Saturday, October 10, 2015

We are alive!

We imagined a lot of things that might present challenges to us as we entered back into the US and began our life as a family of 5 but we never could have prepared for what we experienced these past 2 weeks.  Jet lag got us the first 3 days, all though we were prepared for that.  But day 4 we were hit with illness after illness.  Blair began battling a kidney stone and infection that landed him in the ER. All boys had the nasty cough and cold crud.  Then Disa and Blair both got upper respiratory infections.  Gibson battled a fever and a nasty stomach bug that has bothered him on and off for a week.  We are now ending with pink eye.  One of those alone with our jet lag would have been a challenge (probably not pink eye) but all of them hitting at the same time just about did us in.  However we are so thankful to the many people who prayed for healing, brought us meals, stayed with our sleeping boys while we were in the ER, brought medicine and groceries and the list goes on and on!  We had planned to blog a few days after returning but are just now having enough energy to do so.

Friday afternoon we began to feel like we were on the mend and so we did get to do some "normal" family activities.  We went to the grocery store and got haircuts.  Then today we took advantage of the beautiful weather and walked to the park.  Many have asked how the boys are adjusting but with so much of our energy focused on our health it just hasn't left us much time to process that.  Considering the 2 weeks they've just endured we feel they are doing pretty well.  They are enjoying American food, playing toys and are back to a regular sleep schedule!

Here are a few pics from the last few days as we finally got to enjoy regular things!
Chillin in the car!

Shopping with Mama

Happy eater!

Happy eater!

Park fun!




How we roll!!

We've come a long way since our first bath in China!